Fitness Studio Columbia CT

fitness studio, BUTTS & GUTTS

Fitness Studio Columbia CT

Fitness Studio Columbia CT

Check out Workout Harder when you seek a fitness studio near Columbia CT. We provide many fitness-related classes you can join and an open floor of free weights and machines. Physical fitness is the road to health and vitality. To start, you can get fit through movement that burns calories from your body. Physical activities such as swimming, jogging, hiking, and walking all add to an individual’s fitness levels. A regular workout regime offers many physical and mental health benefits.

Healthy Weight Loss Columbia CT

To begin, sometimes people try to lose weight through various fad diets that don’t stress physical exercise. This can be extremely unhealthy. Weight loss or gain is directly related to exercise levels. Exercise increases your metabolic rate that helps your body burn extra calories and thus lose weight. Keep reading below to learn more benefits of exercise.

Production of Natural “Stress Relievers”

There are many other benefits to exercise besides weight loss. Exercise increases the production of certain hormones that are essential to your mental well-being. One of the most important hormones is Serotonin. Serotonin regulates stress and anxiety. Another hormone produced is norepinephrine. This is also released as a natural response to exercise and known to relieve depression.

Healthy Bones and Muscles

Next, exercise encourages healthy bones and muscles. Activities like weightlifting can build strong muscles and bones. When people have weak bones and muscles, they’re at an increased risk of injury. Also, this risk increases as you age. Regular exercise prevents such risks and makes you stronger.

Exercise Prevents Health Problems Columbia CT

Thirdly, health problems such as stroke, high BP, Diabetes, Arthritis, and many types of cancers can be avoided by exercising. Physical movement keeps up your blood flow, thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Exercise Increases Energy levels

When you workout, you’ll notice an increased energy level almost immediately. When you’re inactive, you’ll have decreased energy and increased feelings of lethargy. Daily exercise delivers more oxygen and nutrients to the body, thus improving your heart and lungs. This means feeling more energetic throughout the day.

Workout Harder Fitness is located in nearby Manchester Connecticut. Experience the Workout Harder Fitness difference by stopping by the gym or get in touch with a fitness professional at (860) 643-6344.


Fitness Studio | Columbia CT | Workout Harder Fitness
