Diapers and Dumbbells: Fitness and Wellness is WOH’s newest program to help create a dedicated time and place for caregivers with children as young as a newborn to work on their fitness and wellness. As a mom, I understand how difficult it can be to dedicate time for yourself and your own personal health and fitness. This program is designed to help you set aside time without having to find childcare or a babysitter. Bring your kid(s) to our class every Wednesday at 10 am to get your in person workout in. All movements will be designed to accommodate those who need to hold their child, want to add weight or just simply want to get their body moving. We also send you home with the WOH Parent Progression Pyramid (PPP) as a way to build a foundation of self care. Following this pyramid will jump start you to creating habits that benefit your fitness and wellness. With support from our staff for the entire 6 weeks of our program you are certain to get yourself on the right path!